Carpet Cleaning | Vacuuming Tips And 5 Brilliant Benefits

Carpet cleaning

Carpets and rugs make our floors and homes warmer and more comfortable, however you need to perform carpet cleaning through regular vacuuming and dabbing any stains to keep them in tip-top condition.

Carpet cleaning

Benefits of Carpet Cleaning

1.Improve/Maintain Their Look and Feel

Nothing looks and feels better under your feet than clean carpets/rugs. They give a luxurious, welcoming, and intense look and feel to your home. Vacuuming your carpets at least once a week this goes a long way in keeping dust, hairs, and grime from the fibers, thus improving their overall look and durability.

2.Extends Its Life

Taking proper care of your carpets and rugs through carpet cleaning and vacuuming gives them a fresh breath of life. Although you might not know this, dirt and dust are like sandpaper, they cause carpet fibers to wear down faster than they should. The last thing any homeowner would want is for their carpets to deteriorate only a few months after installation. Keeping them dust and dirt free is one of the best ways to boost their durability.

3.Remove Foreign Particles

Carpet fibers are a magnet for dust mites, food particles, pet dander, dirt, dust, grit, and other foreign materials. In addition to staining the fibers, some of these materials can lead to mold growth or even rotting. Visible stains and foul odor from the carpet are among the most common signs of foreign matter in the carpets. Should bacteria find its way into the carpet fibers, the risk of it spreading to other parts of the house is greatly increased, posing a health risk to everyone inside. Vacuuming your carpets thoroughly every week can help get rid of these foreign and potentially dangerous materials.

4.Get Rid of Trapped Pollutants

Carpet fibers easily entrap foreign materials and pollutants such as lead, pet dander, pollen, dust mites, and some harmful air-borne gasses. Our clothes and shoes are the biggest carriers of these pollutants, most of which are transferred to the carpets as we walk by. The pollutants then get airborne when one walks past or brushes their feet over them. This only increases the risk of irritation or worse. Nevertheless, having your carpets cleaned professionally can help remove these pollutants. Specialized carpet cleaning agents coupled with heat treatment, as well as high-powered vacuuming, is enough to remove these harmful pollutants.

5.Prevent Mold Growth

Carpet fibers can attract and trap moisture from the surrounding environment. Damp carpets create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, something you do not want in your house. The worst part about dampness is that it seeps deep into the carpets to the floor, and could lead to expensive damage. Carpet cleaning regularly can however protect your family from exposure to mold spores.

How Often Should You Perform Carpet Cleaning?

Carpet cleaning regularly is one of the best ways to keep them in the best shape possible, for longer. In addition to vacuuming every once in a while, it is advisable to clean up spills as soon as they happen. This will help reduce the risk of staining and possible damage to the carpet fibers. If spills are however inevitable, you might then want to have the carpets/rugs, cleaned professionally at least once a month.

With Kids And/Or Pets

Kids are more likely to spill something on carpets than adults. Pets too can knock a cup or jar over, spilling liquids onto your carpet. Pets too tend to shed hairs and fur on the carpets, increasing the need to clean the carpets regularly. Carpets in high-traffic areas are also more likely to get soiled faster than those in less-traffic areas. According to research, it would be advisable to vacuum your carpets twice per week if you are a pet owner or have kids in the house. This will help get rid of, and reduce debris and dirt buildup on the carpets.


Vacuuming the carpets yourself might be enough to maintain a clean carpet. You might however want to hire a professional carpet cleaner at least once every six months for deep cleaning. Professional carpet cleaners are not only trained on how to handle different types of stains but also have more powerful tools and effective cleaning methods for the job.

Does your carpet need to be stretched? Read our carpet stretching blog post.

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